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"JLove98905" > wrote in message
> When my stomach gets upset (bloated, acidic, whatever), I usually feel

like if
> I can get something very plain and "absorbent" in there, I'll feel better.
> Saltines or something like that. I also have an urge to drink peppermint

tea- I
> feel like the hot water helps me digest. But to be honest, I'm not sure

> kind of food is aggravating and what kind is soothing to a tummy in

> I'm curious to hear what others do in this situation. (Note: I don't
> necessarily know what is causing the trouble at any given instance. This

> just for general ideas.)
> Thanks in advance,
> Jen
> Half the people you know are below average. -Steven Wright


Between hyperemesis during all of my pregnancies, and GERD the rest of the
time, upset tummies are something I'm only too familiar with! Have you
talked to your doctor about yours?
For me, what I eat/drink or whether I eat or drink anything at all depends
on the source of the problem. With the reflux, I take Prilosec. I can't
imagine not having it, because without it I get "heartburn" (really, it's
more like acid backwash up your throat) from even a glass of water. This is
in part due to the aforementioned hyperemesis.
For days when it seems even the Prilosec isn't quite cutting it, I try to
keep away from the foods I know aggravate the situation: chocolate (sigh),
tomatoes in any form, citrus, pineapple, fried foods...the usual suspect.
When it is more nausea than heartburn though, I don't really like to eat
anything. I'll sip tea or ginger ale if I feel like I can keep it down, and
if I feel like I can't I will try to sip cherry 7-up just because it is the
most painless when it comes back up! Smelling lemon helps and if I'm feeling
especially brave, I'll try to sip some lemon aid or add some lemon to ginger
ale and sip that. When I'm feeling a little better, I'll eat whatever sounds
good, because if you do that there's a better chance it will stay down.
I never eat saltines when I'm nauseated, because they hurt like heck if they
don't stay down, but when I have heartburn I sometimes eat crackers and
