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Steve Calvin
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roxmarie wrote:
> Dimitri wrote:
>>Other than cinnamon toast and cold cereal or a sandwich what was the

> first
>>thing you cooked, and about how old were you?

I was about 6. I guess that I've always been a fussy eater, which
according to George Carlin is a euphemism for "BIG PAIN IN THE ASS". ;-)
Probably true.

Anyhow, one morning she made me eggs over easy and the white was runny
around the yolk and I complained about it and she apparently was either
in a bad mood or had had enough of me and said: "FINE, cook 'em
yourself from now on." And with that, the next morning was when I
started cooking. I had toast, bacon, and scrambled (unintentionally)
eggs. It got better from there though. (thank heaven)


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