rmg wrote:
> "Steelehtta" > wrote in message
> news:hf2ju01m11e2b04sbc2b715e1730851cbs@news...
>>Ah, this is one of my favorites. You have to understand where this
>>comes from. It all started with the women's magazines back in the
>>feminist heyday of the 70s and early 80s. There were all these
>>articles telling women that if they were over thirty and single their
>>train had left the station and there was a greater chance of being hit
>>by lightning than finding a man to marry them and impregnate them.
>>They gave all sorts of off the wall advice to women who had put the
>>careers first and their biological clocks were ticking so loud they
>>were suffering from hearing loss to dress provocatively and throw
>>themselves at men in public places. Two favorite ones were the gym
>>and the grocery store. Designing Women had a hilarious episode on
>>this. Ever since then the grocery store is considered a major
>>cruising park for busy successful people (read: desperate lonely
>>middle aged single people) whose battle gear seems to be bright
>>spandex that strategically calls attention to their reproductive
> Gee, feeling a little cynical and bitter today? LOL
Must be due to cross-posting disease.
gloria p