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Rod Speed
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The Ranger > wrote in
message ...
> Rod Speed > wrote

>>> and negative press will assure that occurs.

>> Complete and utter drivel. Its likely to ATTRACT
>> customers to that store when they know that the
>> express lane wont have arseholes that are well
>> over the limit in it except when its empty etc.

> When was the last time you said
> something positive about a business?

Just recently, actually.

> And how many people did you tell about it?

Impossible to quantify since I did it in usenet.

> Now think about the number of times within
> the last week where the buying experience
> was less than what you thought it should be:

None, actually.

> How many people did you tell about those experiences?


> How often?


> Did the listeners have similar stories of woe?


> It's almost laughable that you would think enforcement of
> express lane useage would bring in a higher customer count.

Only for pig ignorant fools like you. A number have said in
here already that they would patronise stores that they know
do stomp on the worst abuse of express lanes like arseholes
ramming in with full trolleys when there are customers with
below the limit number of items. And thats only in hours yet.

> Customers that use express lanes
> regularly don't go to stores out of their way...

They may well have a choice of store available tho.

> These min-max shoppers go to stores that are convenient,
> affordable, and don't **** them off _too_ much.

And they may well have a choice between a store that is known
to stop arseholes with full trolleys using the express lanes, just
like they may well choose to use stores that have express lanes too.

> A customer that's purchasing a cart of groceries
> every week is going to be given a lot more slack
> -- whether it's deserved or not

Only by fools like you who havent got
a clue about what customers care about.

Those other customers likely do have cart fulls a well and
are likely just getting what they forgot to get in the full cart.

> -- and that's not going to happen if staff and managers
> torque them by enforcing the express lane rule.

No surprise that so many stores are badly run with fools like you involved.

Presumably thats a result of the fact that anyone
with a clue aint silly enough to end up store manager.