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>zxcvbob writes:
>>PENMART01 wrote:
>> Ever notice how those so concerned with how many items never seem to have

>> cash ready to pay, and then the inconsiderate *******s wanna pay by swiping
>> plastic or even worse, by check... and worst of all, food stamps... unless

>> cash ONLY it ain't express anyway, so who gives a rat's b-hind how many.

>Plastic is faster than cash; the minimum-wage cashiers can't count

I've never yet found that to be true... I find myself inevitably waiting for
those plastic swipers, who can't remember PINs, haven't enough balance
remaining so have to put stuff back, *and they want cash back too anyway*
(blows your counting theory).... plus the friggin' low life food stampers who
split orders; the milk, OJ, and bread for stamps, the beer and cigs they pay by
check and want cash back yet (food stamps should be redeemed only at food stamp
redemption centers, embarrass the *******s, maybe the worthless dreck will get
a JOB... probably not).

Today's registers totally total and indicate exact change, and I've not
encountered any checker who couldn't count back the change indicated.... maybe
you live in some hillybilly state, where counting doesn't turn out so good on
six fingers.

I always pay for groceries with cash. I have a debit card. I also have an ATM
card. Bank sent both years ago. But I've never used either, don't even know
if they work. I do have a credit card, that I do use when need be... but after
using it for more than 30 years I've never yet paid even 1¢ in interest.

Cash is fastest... generates no paper, no mail, NO DEBT!

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."