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  #84 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 16:01:31 -0700, Jeannie-2
> wrote:

> Now, I'm one to park in the
> "special" parking spots.

Stores in your area have special parking spaces that are not
restricted to handicapped?

> Not the employee carpool one

I've never seen one.

> but the "expectant mothers" or "customers with children" ones.
> for some reason these spots bug the crap out of me.

Report back when you're in your 8th or 9th month or have
more than one small child to get in and out of your car for
whatever reason - it doesn't need to be grocery shopping.
My husband can barely handle one.

Regarding mothers with children in the grocery stores: I've
been one of them and believe me: I would have gladly NOT
have them with me, but in the real world it's often not an
