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Boron Elgar
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On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 00:35:09 GMT, "Edwin Pawlowski" >

>"sf" > wrote in message
>> Report back when you're in your 8th or 9th month or have
>> more than one small child to get in and out of your car for
>> whatever reason - it doesn't need to be grocery shopping.
>> My husband can barely handle one.

>So my wife that does not quite qualify for a Handicapped spot (congestive
>heart failure) has to walk longer so that a 20 something with a kid can park
>closer? Equality means we all get equal treatment. Women fought for
>equality and now they want special consideration.

Anyone with young children can usually park in those spots. Men and
grandparents, too, There are no legal requirements for them nor legal
enforcement of them. They are placed as a courtesy by the stores/malls
on their private property to appeal to the customers they want to

My mom got a handicapped sticker for congestive heart failure . I am
surprised your wife does not qualify, though I realize that
regulations vary from state to state.

By the way, next time you get pregnant, talk to me about equality.
Again, this does not diminish a need anyone with a permanent or
temporary disability has, but not every woman can go through pregnancy
robustly or easily, even if young and healthy at the onset.

Do you consider it unequal if seniors get a discount or a lift to the
store from the senior apartment complexes in the township minivans?
They do around here and it pleases me, and I help fund it with my
prompt and uncomplained about taxes.
