Thread: Airline food
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In article . net>,
"Gregory Morrow" >

> What is it with US airlines and their elderly and rude stews?

Union rules -- flight attendants ("stews" is so 60s...) are losing
their jobs just like other airline employees. But union rules cause
the junior FAs to be laid off first. So who's left?

As for the "rude" part, I hear ya. But, in their defense, most
airlines are running the minimum FAA-required crew these days. That
can mean a FA has 70-80-90 people to serve (in coach). And it doesn't
help that some airlines have a long history of kicking their employees
in the butt every chance they get -- while executive management
remains curiously unaffected. Who feels like smiling when your
employer is making your life more difficult by the day? And it's not
like every passenger is a model customer, either.

> Delta and
> Northwest are the very worst offenders that I've seen. And whatever
> happened to the concept of height - weight correlation?

That would be federal regulations regarding discrimination and
disability. Can't fire 'em for getting married or pregnant anymore,

> I've seen plenty of
> fat stews - who on earth wants to look at a fat stew? Fat people are tiring
> enough to look out, but to be working for an airline? These gals make flyig
> on US carriers a distinctly dreary experience.

I take it you haven't encountered any _male_ FAs yet. :-)

Most fliers in this country decided long ago that they'd rather have
it cheap than good. They got their wish....

Ob-Food: Best meal I ever had on an airplane was on Alitalia -- just a
snack, really, but simple, quality ingredients served with a smile and
a minimum of plastic. Nowadays I'd just as soon bring my own food on
