Thread: glass cookware?
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"Rick & Cyndi" > wrote in message
> "D.Currie" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "n" > wrote in message
>>> Anyone know where I can get glass cookeware---pots and pans?

>> Flea markets and eBay.
>> I recently broke my Visions Dutch oven and found a replacement at a flea
>> market. Cheap.
>> Yeah, they have their limitations, but they can go from stovetop to oven
>> to microwave to fridge. And they hold their heat. And they're
>> nonreactive. And I can see what the water level is at a glance if I'm
>> cooking something long-term. ===============

> I love mine and have been using them for about 20 years!
> Cyndi

Mine have probably been in use for at least that long, too. The Dutch oven
was the one that got used most though. I was really annoyed when I broke it.
Good thing I found another one in a flea market.

The lazy me really likes that I can put some stock makin's in there and
leave it simmer, and whenever I pass by I can see what the water level is.

The other thing I always liked it for was mashed potatoes. The pot stays hot
enough to keep 'em warm, and if they cool off too much before I serve I can
pop the whole thing in the microwave for a minute.