"Boron Elgar" > wrote in message
> They are placed as a courtesy by the stores/malls
> on their private property to appeal to the customers they want to
> attract.
That is why I choose to ignore them.
> My mom got a handicapped sticker for congestive heart failure . I am
> surprised your wife does not qualify, though I realize that
> regulations vary from state to state.
If the temperature is betwen 30 and 85F, the exercise is a good thing and I
intentionally park at some distance from the store. Outside of that range,
especially very cold and windy, is a strain.
> By the way, next time you get pregnant, talk to me about equality.
> Again, this does not diminish a need anyone with a permanent or
> temporary disability has, but not every woman can go through pregnancy
> robustly or easily, even if young and healthy at the onset.
Sure, they may have problems, but so do a lot of people and we all don't get
special parking places. How do we line up the parking spaces. 1 Pregnant
or with babies 2 Arthritics 3 Constipated 4 Old and Bitchy 5 Worked in
the garden and have sore knees.
> Do you consider it unequal if seniors get a discount or a lift to the
> store from the senior apartment complexes in the township minivans?
> They do around here and it pleases me, and I help fund it with my
> prompt and uncomplained about taxes.
But that is a form of equality. Everyone over a certain age gets the
discount no matter if they are parked close or far or pregnant or not or
male or female. Heck, I'm going to be 60 this year and some places will
give me a discount.