>Mike Beede writes:
> "Christine" wrote:
>> http://www.montgomeryinn.com/
>$25 for four cans of Skyline chili? Plus twenty bucks
>for shipping. Hmm. I tried it in Dayton. It
>was bland and forgettable. I don't know if there's a
>correlation between that and the sausage, but I can't help
>but think that $80 at whatever is your local European
>sausage place (in Minneapolis it's Kramarczyk's) would
>be a better use of your cash.
What kind of moron would spend that kind of cash on friggin' mystery meat
sausage?!?!? DUH!
The concept of sausage is in making something tasty from the *least expensive*
meat cuts... $80 for a few questionable links... R U NUTZ... hot dawgs at a
ball game are less expensive.
For about the same investment one can obtain a good electric meat grinder, and
make their own... it's easy... it's fun... and you'll always know what/who is
in it.
Sausage from the local stupidmarket is iffy enough (but it's only about
$2.50/lb), but mail order mystery meat costing more than USDA Prime... Yikes!
Yoose folks gots to have more dollars than brain cells... plus should be
ashamed to admit your dalliance in a cooking group... now the entire world
knows neither of yoose cook.
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."