Bob wrote:
> I used to like oatmeal, until I decided to attempt to lower my cholesterol
> by having a bowl every morning for a month. That was six or seven years ago,
> and I haven't been much of an oatmeal fan ever since. But today I tried
> McCann's Irish Oatmeal (Steel-Cut Oats) for the first time, and it was
> exceptional. Normally, oatmeal is made by rolling oats between steel rollers
> to flatten them into little booger-shaped plates, a resemblance which
> becomes even more pronounced upon cooking. This oatmeal is made by cutting
> the grains (called "groats") into little cylinders instead. When cooked, the
> oats plump up nicely and take on a pleasant chewy texture. Toasting them
> beforehand also causes them to take on a nutty flavor.
I was raised on oatmeal porridge. We had it almost every day for breakfast. I
got tired of it eventually but recently started eating it again recently. I
tried the steel cut oats and was impressed, but it takes so long to cook. It's
also very expensive. I can't find it bulk anywhere around here. A few weeks ago
I got some old fashion large flake oatmeal and have been enjoying it. It is a
heck of a lot cheaper and takes half as long to cook, and it's darned good.