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>JimLane writes:
>PENMART01 wrote:
>> If you need to withdraw cash for personal expenses more
>> than once a month you are poor.

>And if you carry around that amount of cash, you're an ignorant
>statistic waiting for an accident. It is far wiser to take out only what
>you need at the time and no more.

Who said anything about carrying around an entire month's cash on ones person
all month... don't you have a home... I mean I can see your point if your
residence is a dorm cot at the local homeless shelter. I don't know where you
live but I don't live in a high crime area. I wouldn't ever think of getting
into my car and leaving home without a couple hundred in cash in my wallet,
been doing that all my adult life, and I've spent quite a few years living in
NYC too... grew up on the mean streets of Brooklyn...which means I'm not
ascared like you... means I learned street smarts. Lemme tell ya, if you think
yer gonna get mugged it's far smarter to have some bucks to turn over than a
hand fulla hillybilly chump change. Obviously you have no street smarts plus
you are POOR... when was the last time you had $100 cash in your hand all at
one time, I bet never.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."