On Mon 17 Jan 2005 12:48:09p, Christine tittered and giggled, and giggled
and tittered, and finally blurted out...
> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Mon 17 Jan 2005 09:35:30a, Christine tittered and giggled, and
>> giggled and tittered, and finally blurted out...
>>> "PENMART01" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> >Mike Beede writes:
>>>>> "Christine" wrote:
>>>>>> http://www.montgomeryinn.com/
>>>>>$25 for four cans of Skyline chili? Plus twenty bucks
>>>>>for shipping. Hmm. I tried it in Dayton. It
>>>>>was bland and forgettable. I don't know if there's a
>>>>>correlation between that and the sausage, but I can't help
>>>>>but think that $80 at whatever is your local European
>>>>>sausage place (in Minneapolis it's Kramarczyk's) would be a better
>>>>>use of your cash.
>>>> What kind of moron would spend that kind of cash on friggin' mystery
>>>> meat sausage?!?!? DUH!
>>>> The concept of sausage is in making something tasty from the *least
>>>> expensive* meat cuts... $80 for a few questionable links... R U
>>>> NUTZ... hot dawgs at a ball game are less expensive.
>>>> For about the same investment one can obtain a good electric meat
>>>> grinder, and make their own... it's easy... it's fun... and you'll
>>>> always know what/who is in it.
>>>> Sausage from the local stupidmarket is iffy enough (but it's only
>>>> about $2.50/lb), but mail order mystery meat costing more than USDA
>>>> Prime... Yikes!
>>>> Yoose folks gots to have more dollars than brain cells... plus should
>>>> be ashamed to admit your dalliance in a cooking group... now the
>>>> entire world knows neither of yoose cook. be devoid of all meaning
>>>> were it without tribulation." Sheldon ```
>>> I'm the OP.... it might be beneficial to read the whole thread. The
>>> sausages were a birthday gift to my husband from his sister in
>>> California.
>>> Chris in Pearland, TX
>> Chris, just consider the source and pay it no mind!
>> Wayne
> You're so right Wayne... with so many helpful people here no sense in
> fooling with him. BTW, we had our first Bahama Mama Sausages last
> night. Excellent! I did something incredibly stupid though. I was
> talking with my California sister-in-law yesterday and she told me to
> rinse the sauerkraut. BIG MISTAKE! Rinsed all the flavor out, but I
> thought she knew what she talking about. I guess it's just a matter of
> taste, but apparently we like the high-test sauerkraut!
> Chris in Pearland, TX and thanks for your help
Yes, me too. I never rinse the kraut. If ever you want to dilute it a
bit, just add white wine.
Glad you liked it!