"Bob (this one)" wrote:
> Michael Odom wrote:
> > I got a couple of Furi knives for (late and early) Christmas. Very
> > nice! I got the big, nine-inch santoku before Christmas and the
> > little, five-inch one yesterday. They had them in stock at Sur la
> > Table in Dallas, to my surprise. Thanks for the tip way back when.
> You're welcome, Michael. My 13-year-old has claimed my 7" santoku for
> herself. It's now her knife, she says, and she grants me occasional
> permission to use it. <G>. They have some new knives in their Furi
> Pro line that I hadn't seen until today when I clicked on their site.
> I like the new 7" with the Granton dimples.
> I also have their "Füri® Tech Edge™ Pro Sharpening System" (Name
> doesn't exactly fall trippingly from the tongue...). Zowie. I started
> the first time out, as an experiment, with a beat up old stainless
> knife that I hadn't used in a while. Ran it through the three
> sharpening heads and it was transformed. I've since used it on several
> knives (stainless and carbon) and I even followed the instructions. I
> know. It's a bad habit to get into. Next thing you know, I'll read the
> instructions on that box of dynamite I bought and then the fun and
> mystery are all gone.
> Check out the sharpener he <http://www.furitechnics.com.au/> They
> have some videos showing hte system in use. Radically different than
> anything else out there. Easier to get the edge bevel correct than a
> stone. And it's adjustable to suit the way you like your knives sharpened.
> Pastorio
Thanks for the tip - this looks like a great doghouse gift. You know, one he
can buy me to get out of the doghouse. Or maybe I'll just spring for it