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  #212 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Carol wrote:

> Know what would be fun? Pick someone (who has a list with them) at random
> when you walk into the store and follow them around. Buy everything that
> they buy and get in line behind them. You get the benefit of a well
> thought-out list, and you've gotten to make someone paranoid, all in one
> fell swoop.'d have to pick your guide carefully, or you'd end up with a cart
full of Mac-n-Cheez-Flavored-Food-Product, frozen pizza, Hydrox, canned
spinach, instant tea, and Preparation H.

If you really wanted to add to the fun, do this at an all-night grocery
store where you and your victim are the only customers in the place. Mutter
gibberish to yourself the whole time, and snatch at imaginary gnats around
your head. Oh, and when the other person heads for the checkout, dash in
front of him or her to get checked out first.

(Murphy's Law would then dictate that the next time you came home, you'd
find that your victim had just moved into the house next door.)
