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Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a

On Mon 17 Jan 2005 06:27:04p, Ariane Jenkins tittered and giggled, and
giggled and tittered, and finally blurted out...

> On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 13:56:56 -0800,
> Jim Davis > wrote:
>> I remember years ago using a small cast iron hibatchi grill for lots of
>> uses. My family grew and I did to a much larger BBQ. Now the kids are
>> grown and gone and I'd like to step back to cooking for just my wife and
>> I. Whatever happened to the old cast iron hibatchi's? I'd love to have
>> one!

> Oh, I think they're still made. A friend of mine has
> mentioned seeing those at Wal-Mart, in the camping section, I think.
> And the Lodge outlet store we visited this past Christmas carried
> such a product for around $70-80. It was tempting, but I'm sure it
> weighed a ton and we didn't want to haul it all the way back home in
> the car. (We were on the road.) It did look pretty neat, I was
> tempted to get one for my dad.
> Ariane

As far as I know, Lodge makes the only good one today. It's heavy cast iron.
Most other hibatchis I've seen are either extremely thin cast iron or sheet
steel. If I were to buy one, Lodge would be the clear choice.
