PENMART01 wrote:
>>notbob smarms:
>>>PENMART01 wrote:
>>>cash I pay less, with large purchases *substantially* less.... you
>>>have never paid cash for a new car....
>>We're talking grocery stores. Cars are not grocery stores.
> Had you not snipped the relevant portions everyone would see that the topic had
> moved on to paying with cash in general, and acquiring and carrying cash (your
> own input). How did you derive that ones personal discretionary cash is for
> purchasing food only. duh
>>BTW, I've always paid cash for all my cars.
> Now you interject that, just because I did... sheesh, can't you think for
> yourself... too late, you're not believeable... but I won't say you're a liar
> because you probably did pay cash for all your cars, a couple hundred bucks for
> some old clunkers.... notice I said "new car", you were careful to omit the
> word "new".
> I have a very good friend who owns a Jeep dealership... I've been informed (and
> posted this previously) that more than 87% of new cars on the road lately are
> leased. The rest are purchased with minimal down payments and personal loans.
> Less than 5% of late model automobile titles (4 yrs or less) list no
> lienholder. Less than 1/2% of new cars sales are paid for in cash.
> You don't own a car, or it's some old clunker... those who scrounge cash from
> ATMs and change back on grocery purchases on a daily basis typically own
> nothing, their debts own them.
> ---= BOYCOTT FRANCE (belgium) GERMANY--SPAIN =---
> ---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
> *********
> "Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
> Sheldon
> ````````````
Very true. I look around my neighborhood, and I see extravagant homes,
with beautiful landscapes, and sometimes an indoor pool. Now pass by at
night, and you'll see the BMW's, et cetera outside. Pass by during the
day, and there is no one friggin home. Why, cause they are working their
long hours (asses) (both husband, and wife,) to pay for their lame
attempt to live like "kings."
I have a car that I lease (I trade it in every 4 years because I like
having something brand new,) for my wife (Audi A6.) I love the fact that
it's superb handler of the road as well as damn comfortable. But the
main reason is the extra protection it offers for my family.
Me, I drive a 94 Toyota 4 Runner which was financed with a low % home
equity loan (tax deductible) and has been paid for a long time ago. I
call it my NY car because I really don't care how many extra scratches
you give it. It was baptized with scratches and dents (thanks to
Maimonides parking lot and streets,) the first week I brought it to NY.
In the Summer of this year, after my business debt is completely
abolished, I'm planning on buying a car with my Amex card, and at the
end of the month, pay the whole thing off. Yeah, that really ****es the
credit card companies when their patrons do that.
If you look around with out too much strain, you can easily see that
banks own mostly everything, not your run of the mill person living in
Americana Suburbia.
"Dum Spiro, Spero."
As long as I breath, I hope.
Cicero (Ancient Rome)
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Let there be fish!!!