Thread: sunchokes?
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Christopher Green > wrote in

> On 17 Jan 2005 23:08:01 GMT, OSPAM (JLove98905)
> wrote:
>>I bought a package of sunchokes today, just out of curiosity. (For
>>those who don't know what a sunchoke is, it is related to the
>>sunflower and looks like a small rooty potato.) I have no idea what to
>>do with them. Suggestions, recipes?

> Also look for "Jerusalem artichoke"

Ah, in that case, there's a great-looking recipe in one of the Naked Chef
books for a gratin of these
*searches web to find which book*
Ah, here's the actual recipe:,00.html
Disclaimer - I haven't actually made this, not having been able to get hold
of Jerusalem artichokes yet, but it looked great, and everything else I've
made from Jamie's books tasted fab

Good luck with whatever you do with them

nil illegitimi carborundum