Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> wrote:
>>One more thought on how the omer is clearly not applicable for the two
>>pound diet. It was a measure of dry volume, such as in measuring grain,
>>it was not a measure of weight. For the same volume according to the dry
>>substance there can be a great difference in weight.
> An omer (liter)
An omer is 3 1/2 liters, not one liter. I expect this will join the
Chung Parade of Unadmitted Blunders like the caloric content of bread
or potatoes. Or maybe how many calories are expended in a 5 mile
run... Stuff like that.
Those biblical desert wanderers ate a whole lot of food in a day. Must
have been pretty low caloric density, that manna.
Looks like it was more like 7+ pounds. I don't know how much manna
weighs "independent of water." Neither does Chung. Doesn't seem to
stop him from pontificating anyway.
> of food will weigh about 2 pounds independent of water
> content. Indeed, a liter of sweetened ice tea will weigh about 2
> pounds. So too will a liter of flour.