> Andrew, I with draw my original observation that the scripture instruction
> did not refer to each person. I do so not on the basis of your phrase:
> ""Take an omer (of manna) for each person you have in your tent."
> Sounds like one size fits all to me. It is likely that an omer of
> manna weighed about 2 lbs :-)"
> The phrase above doesn't appear in the scripture in question. I do so on
> the basis of consulting another translation, the rsv, where the term
> "person" is used in place of "man" in the kjv I used. As you must know,
> don't you, reference in scripture when speaking of groups of people often
> refered to "man/men" while the women and children had to be infered. The
> scripture I provided used "man" only and that each "man" was to gather an
> omer and take it to his tents.
> Andrew, see, retraction is not painful at all and confession good for the
> soul, which might be the advice to take in your case where applying
> tortured logic and wishful expectation to try to make an omer equate to 2
> lbs or a liter as you do in another post. An omer was a unit of dry
> volume, as in measuring grain and not weight. At around 3.6 liters we
> have no way to know the weight one could fit into that volume because it
> would vary greatly depending on what was being measured. I see others
> have joined on this question and they will no doubt add other valuable
> information to the 2 lb diet revision project, including those you can
> make. If for no other reason, having others to proofread is now a
> demonstrated value in itself.
I stand corrected not by you but by a kind soul who has informed me that
"omer" in Hebrew literally means "a certain unit of weight." So an
"omer" probably was about 2 pounds (or almost 1 kilogram) because that
is all that someone needs to reach and maintain "ideal" body weight,
God is great :-)
At His service,
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-Certified Cardiologist
Suggested Reading:
(1) http://makeashorterlink.com/?L26062048
(2) http://makeashorterlink.com/?O2F325D1A
(3) http://makeashorterlink.com/?X1C62661A
(4) http://makeashorterlink.com/?U1E13130A
(5) http://makeashorterlink.com/?K6F72510A
(6) http://makeashorterlink.com/?I24E5151A
(7) http://makeashorterlink.com/?I22222129