Why are people so RUDE at the grocery store???
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Richard Periut
Posts: n/a
> In, Richard Periut > wrote:
>>>In, Richard Periut > wrote:
>>>>Why, cause they are working their
>>>>long hours (asses) (both husband, and wife,) to pay for their lame
>>>>attempt to live like "kings."
>>>>I have a car that I lease (I trade it in every 4 years because I like
>>>>having something brand new,)
>>>My Irony Meter just hit the peg.
>>>>main reason is the extra protection it offers for my family.
>>>That's what they all say.
>>>>abolished, I'm planning on buying a car with my Amex card,
>>>If the dealer lets you do that, it is only because you overpaid enough
>>>already to cover the merchant fee.
>>Your generalizations amuse me. You know nothing of who I am, or what I'm
>>worth, and you post wantonly. I've purchased medical equipment worth 40K
>>with my AMEX. They usually have me call to verify the purchase and ask
>>me some questions to confirm ID. Of course, that is way beyond your realm.
> Again my irony meter hits the peg. The juxtoposition of "You know
> nothing of who I am..." with "...that is way beyond your realm." is
> priceless.
I'm glad you approve. Say, that irony meter of yours, is it measuring
your irony, or the ironies of others?
> When you bought that medical equipment, the purchase price included the
> merchant fee the seller had to fork over to Amex. Cars rarely have
> enough margin to include such fees, unless, as I said before, you overpay
> for the car. Give them sticker price, and they will grab your Amex out
> of your hand and ring it up. Give them $500 over cost, and they will
> insist on other payment mechanisms.
Whatever floats his boat, and gets me the car without having to fork
over an extra couple of grands for the purchase.
>>I don't lease the Audi to show off to others,
> No, you do it because "I like having something brand new", even as you
> lambast your neighbors for "their lame attempts to live like 'kings'".
> Those who wish to minimize their total cost of ownership buy cars for
> cash and keep them past the steep part of the depreciation curve. Those
> who wish to live like kings lease cars, every few years, that they
> otherswise can't afford.
Yeah, but 400 bucks does not put a dent in my pocket. Nor do I have to
work long hours or extra days in order to afford it. I don't (with the
exception of my truck,) want to buy a car, that after a while, starts
making noises here and there, needs more repairs, and starts to give you
a bumpy ride, et cetera. I don't want nor need the headaches. When you
lease and the vehicle needs servicing, you leave it and take a loaner,
you return and pay nothing, you; well you know the rest.
And BTW, your juxtaposition of buying cars for cash and keeping them
past the steep part of the depreciation curve is quintessentially
priceless. BTW, that is what I have done with my truck. : )
> Not that there is anything wrong with that, so long as those folks don't
> look down on their hard-working neighbors and than brag about how thrifty
> they are.
Well I certainly would not have my wife working in order to pay a super
mortgage. I'm certainly no Bill Gates, but I have my wife tending the
house and the kids, and I live very happily. And if I lived in an
apartment and had a jalopy for a car, I would still be very happy.
Health and positive attitude can not be purchased in most cases.
> I doit because of the
>>quality of the car, and the hassle of having it serviced for free, as
>>well as the reputation.
> We all know that a late-model Audi is a car fit for a king. That is not
> in dispute.
Ah, but that all depends what kingdom the king reigns in : )
"Dum Spiro, Spero."
As long as I breath, I hope.
Cicero (Ancient Rome)
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Let there be fish!!!
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