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Default Canadian Mad Cow, was americans have been eating mad cows for years...

On Sun, 28 Dec 2003 17:20:40 GMT, wrote:

>In article <9btHb.681835$Fm2.590185@attbi_s04>, "Morton Davis"
> wrote:
>>The "mad cow" came from CANADA. Just another gift from HMG.

>Yeah, just like the terrorists from 9/11 came from Canada. Oh, and don't
>forget the power outage, that's Canada's fault too. LOL

You moose****ers need to be nuked.

>****ing idiot.


>"American officials originally said the infected animal was 4 1/2 years old.
>But the ear tag identification linking the cow to an Alberta herd is for an
>animal born in April 1997 -- making it 6 1/2 years old."

Canadian officials provided records indicating the sick Holstein was
in a herd of 74 cattle shipped from Alberta, Canada, into this country
in August 2001 at Eastport, Idaho.