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On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 21:58:12 -0800, sf > wrote:

>On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 14:54:04 -0600, Damsel
> wrote:
>> >Hey, can you redistribute any of the neat & orderly part you
>> >don't want to use so the rest of us slobs might have a
>> >chance at redemption?

>> When hanging pictures on the wall, they must be precisely measured so
>> they're the same distance from the window as from the wall, etc. ...
>> If it's off by 1/8th inch, re-hang the thing.

>Jeeze, you just summarized my husband and me.... but hey,
>we're perfectly normal.
>We've been married so long that we switch off on who wants
>it perfect and who doesn't care. It all a twisted plan to
>drive each other crazy. Yeah, that's it... a PLAN.

Crash is my full-time I-don't-carer. One of his insane friends came over
and "decorated" his computer area (1/2 of the basement). There's crap
hanging all over the place, with no apparent rhyme or reason. If he'd have
let me do it, I'd probably feel a lot more comfortable down there. The
chaos drives me crazier than I started out.

>> Get (or start using) a file cabinet. Get two colors of hanging folders.
>> One for paid bills (one for each company). One of the other color for each
>> appliance.

>Oh, JEEZE, woman - do I have to drag you kicking and
>screaming into the modern age??? What do you think
>computers are for????? The are the PERFECT filing system -
>AND you don't get hang nails you'd get pawing through real
>files looking for things!

File cabinets don't crash.

>> If you *really* want organization, talk to kilikini or Hag.

>I didn't know! Given how quickly she went from armature to
>semi-pro photographer with those food pictures on abf, it
>makes sense. But Hag? I would have never guessed!

Kili has inspired me to paint in at least five rooms of the house
(including the insides of cabinets). I have some really luscious and
expensive wallpaper that I'm going to mail her for their living room
(they're paying the postage, which is good for me, and they're getting a
kick-ass deal out of the whole thing). I can't wait for THOSE pictures.

Hag? You mean the ex-Marine Hag? I had a cook-in this past summer, and
that women (bless her organized soul) took right over, and I didn't have to
think or anything. Good thing, too. I was completely overwhelmed by the
whole thing. She and her gang were a true pleasure to have as house

>> They both make me feel so inadequate, but I love 'em dearly.

>What do you think when you watch Monk? Is it, "I wish life
>was so easy" or does the show ring true for you?

I've only seen commercials for it, so I don't know the extent of his OCD.
I imagine that it's pretty exaggerated.

>Just Wondering

Wanna know how many times I wash my hands in a day? <G>

"Years ago my mother used to say to me... She'd say,
'In this world Elwood, you must be oh-so smart or oh-so pleasant.'
Well, for years I was smart.... I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."

*James Stewart* in the 1950 movie, _Harvey_