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>I use a rag head mop to clean the kitchen floor.
>I guess hot soapy water will clean it, but wonder if clorox would do a
>good follow-up job.

Um, "You can eat off the floor." is only a figure of speech. Why do you need
your floor sterile... do you intend to actually eat off the floor?

Keep in mind that bleach will if not ruin certain flooring immediately it will
cause most flooring, especially those of plastic or with plasticized finishes,
to degenerate prematurely. And real wood flooring should never be exposed to
water (not even damp mopped) let alone water containing bleach. Not knowing
what flooring you have I strongly urge that you ask your flooring manufacturer
about maintainence instructions. Also keep in mind that chlorine fumes will
exascerbate and/or cause permanent respiratory degradation... always exercise
the utmost discretion in the use of chlorine bleach... I for one believe all
clorine bleach and products containing chlorine bleach should be removed from
the general marketplace, and limited to use by certain licensed professionals
only, ie. water treatment personel. There are many modern cleaning compounds
available that contain *non-chlorine* bleaching agents.

To learn how to properly care for real wood flooring go he

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