I haven't seen the whole thread, but Nancy (I think) wrote:
> What have we here? You mean the CDC (center for disease
>control) made some miscalucation about the death rate caused by >obesity?
> Whoda thought that could happen.
Apologies in advance if I have misattributed.
So, is the drift that CDC hugely overstated or somewhat overstated?
Death rate is one issue. But persistent health issues for the living
are also an issue. And given all that has been posted in this group
about various iterations of low carbohydrate diets (Lord knows that
their partisans are nothing if not avid - almost as intense as BQ
people), I'm not yet ready to accept that weight/obesity issues
were a problem yesterday and are not a problem today. From
watching CNBC or C-SPAN, I see someone has a book or maga-
zine article with a title of "The Myth of Obesity" (or something like
that). This post prompts me to try to find and read it. I'll try to ap-
proach it with an open mind, but I start with a sense of skepticism.
Until demonstrated otherwise, I think that obesity remains an
issue for Americans (USAians, if you prefer).
Kevin (who lives in Portland, OR, aka PDX)