Thread: Airline food
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In article >,
"Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote:

> "sd" > wrote in message
> >
> > . Who feels like smiling when your
> > employer is making your life more difficult by the day?

> Is this like indentured servitude where you can't quit and find another
> career?

Sort of. If you've spent 10-20 years or longer training for and
performing a fairly specific job (one that calls for annual
re-certification, IIRC), you're probably not dying to blow that
seniority and pay and benefits starting over someplace else. Besides,
it's not like there are that many other healthy airlines one could
move to.

In addition, in this job market, many employers have become "spoiled."
There are enough people with all kinds of qualifications looking for
(better) work that employers can impose some ridiculously-specific
requirements for any job posting -- and likely get just what they
asked for. Leaves a lot of good people out in the cold.
