> expensive wallpaper that I'm going to mail her for their living room
> (they're paying the postage, which is good for me, and they're getting a
> kick-ass deal out of the whole thing). I can't wait for THOSE pictures.
Put me on the mailing list... I LOVE wallpaper. We're
moving on and doing faux finishes (they're sponged right
> Hag? You mean the ex-Marine Hag?
I think your rfc memory is bad. Hag and I were NEVER, EVER
on the same side of any thread. We were as antagonistic as
that French Canadian idiot (or that poster who thought he's
a Wolf) and I used to be.
> I had a cook-in this past summer, and
> that women (bless her organized soul) took right over, and I didn't have to
> think or anything. Good thing, too. I was completely overwhelmed by the
> whole thing. She and her gang were a true pleasure to have as house
> guests.
You know what they say about the Marines landing! I can't
denigrate any Marine. They are totally top notch.
> >> They both make me feel so inadequate, but I love 'em dearly.
> >
BS: If you're not used to small, medium or big sized
"parties" you can be overwhelmed. It's not due to a
disability, it's due to inexperience. I can guarantee you
that 75% of the readers in rfc don't think they can handle
much over 4 guests well either.
> >What do you think when you watch Monk? Is it, "I wish life
> >was so easy" or does the show ring true for you?
> I've only seen commercials for it, so I don't know the extent of his OCD.
> I imagine that it's pretty exaggerated.
I was thinking the OPPOSITE!! I thought it was mild.
> Wanna know how many times I wash my hands in a day? <G>
SHOOT! Wanna know how many times I was my hands a day
during the flu season when I teach pre-K, K or 1st? They
wipe their noses on my clothes, so I visualize the germs
multiplying exponentially and creeping up to my face (I know
I transport them to areas that will allow them to infect me
by touching the area where they left the germs with my hand
and then touching my face). I also visualize the germs
entering my mucus cavities - infecting me, making me sick
and keeping me away from my job for too many days.
I teach 2/3/4 now and they have a more mature way to wipe
their noses - yes, they use a tissue... most of the time.
I'm so relaxed now that when I was called for jury
dutybefore xmas (it took them 3 full days of me reporting in
person -not by phone) - I wanted to raise my hand to
volunteer, because I could tell by their responses that
several jurors DIDN'T want to be there and I was interested
in the intricacies of the trial... which was over a clause
in a contract.