On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 23:08:52 -0800, sf > wrote:
>> expensive wallpaper that I'm going to mail her for their living room
>> (they're paying the postage, which is good for me, and they're getting a
>> kick-ass deal out of the whole thing). I can't wait for THOSE pictures.
>Put me on the mailing list... I LOVE wallpaper. We're
>moving on and doing faux finishes (they're sponged right
This was the only stuff we had left that we'd purchased for our last house
and never used. I couldn't bear the thought of it's never being on
someone's walls (totally inappropriate for the house we're in now), so I
just hung on to it. When we get the electricity fixed on one of our
kitchen walls, I'll be hanging the other paper we'd bought for the other
house and never got around to using.
>> Hag? You mean the ex-Marine Hag?
>I think your rfc memory is bad. Hag and I were NEVER, EVER
>on the same side of any thread. We were as antagonistic as
>that French Canadian idiot (or that poster who thought he's
>a Wolf) and I used to be.
Oh man, I wish you could get to know her. She has, by far, the biggest
heart of anyone I've ever known. I miss her a lot.
>> I had a cook-in this past summer, and
>> that women (bless her organized soul) took right over, and I didn't have to
>> think or anything. Good thing, too. I was completely overwhelmed by the
>> whole thing. She and her gang were a true pleasure to have as house
>> guests.
>You know what they say about the Marines landing! I can't
>denigrate any Marine. They are totally top notch.
Yeppers. The finest.
>> >> They both make me feel so inadequate, but I love 'em dearly.
>> >
>BS: If you're not used to small, medium or big sized
>"parties" you can be overwhelmed. It's not due to a
>disability, it's due to inexperience. I can guarantee you
>that 75% of the readers in rfc don't think they can handle
>much over 4 guests well either.
Naw, I don't attribute it to disability. Just to the fact that Hag
routinely serves enormous, enormous homemade dinners to dozens of Marines
who are alone for the holidays. That woman could coordinate damned near
anything. She's amazing.
>> >What do you think when you watch Monk? Is it, "I wish life
>> >was so easy" or does the show ring true for you?
>> I've only seen commercials for it, so I don't know the extent of his OCD.
>> I imagine that it's pretty exaggerated.
>I was thinking the OPPOSITE!! I thought it was mild.
I'm gonna have to find out when this show's on so I can see for myself what
all the fuss is about. It sounds like it must be really funny.
>> Wanna know how many times I wash my hands in a day? <G>
>SHOOT! Wanna know how many times I was my hands a day
>during the flu season when I teach pre-K, K or 1st? They
>wipe their noses on my clothes, so I visualize the germs
>multiplying exponentially and creeping up to my face (I know
>I transport them to areas that will allow them to infect me
>by touching the area where they left the germs with my hand
>and then touching my face). I also visualize the germs
>entering my mucus cavities - infecting me, making me sick
>and keeping me away from my job for too many days.
<Damsel e-mails sf a gallon jug of Purell>
>I teach 2/3/4 now and they have a more mature way to wipe
>their noses - yes, they use a tissue... most of the time.
Lucky, lucky you. <G>
>I'm so relaxed now that when I was called for jury
>dutybefore xmas (it took them 3 full days of me reporting in
>person -not by phone) - I wanted to raise my hand to
>volunteer, because I could tell by their responses that
>several jurors DIDN'T want to be there and I was interested
>in the intricacies of the trial... which was over a clause
>in a contract.
I sat on a jury once, and if I have my way about it, it will also be my
last. It wasn't a "nice" crime.
"Years ago my mother used to say to me... She'd say,
'In this world Elwood, you must be oh-so smart or oh-so pleasant.'
Well, for years I was smart.... I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."
*James Stewart* in the 1950 movie, _Harvey_