On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 20:00:01 -0800, "Dutch" > wrote:
> wrote
>> On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 14:48:44 -0800, "Dutch" > wrote:
>>>>>> Pig
>>>>>is filthily
>>>>>> housed and fed, and at the end barbarously butchered.""
>>>>>Well done! Thanks for posting that again, it does such a beautiful job
>>>>>illustrating the sophistry of "The Logic of the Larder".
>>>> Later on the pig sings "Swing Low", is thankful that it got to live,
>>>> and hopes to have some life beyond this one.
>>>You just used the same literary device to express three ideas. That wasn't
>>>so hard was it?
>> Nope. And now we know pigs are thankful that humans raise
>> them for food too. Well, I'm glad we got that straightened out.
>Your sentence, in extending the literary device used by Salt, got across
>your ideas that pigs enjoy and "benefit from" life,
That one did. Some do and some don't.
>and that they may even
>go to piggy heaven.
Genesis 9:5 - "I will demand an accounting from every animal."
>You're a poet and don't even know it!
Actually Dutch, before I learned what a bunch of assholes I'm
dealing with here I did make use of the supposed literary device,
and posted my own fantasy about a typing cow as a sort of joke
but still to convey a message. If the talking pig had any influence
on you, then maybe the typing cow can help you out a bit too.
Here's a repost:
From: (David)
Subject: mmm.....mmmmmo........mmmmoooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Date: 1999/02/25
Message-ID: >#1/1
Newsgroups: alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian
OK all you veggie heads, a good friend of mine would like to say a few
things to you folks, so here she is:
hi my names gladys an im a 6 years old holstein. the first thing i want to
say is my farmer is a nice man who feeds me good but he could do better
cause im 6 and still have never got to eat enough to get foundered..oh well.
he feeds me good though and only kicks me in the ass when its draggin so i
cant complain about that. an the way he cleans my nipples..oooh....it makes
me feel so.....never mind.
a other thing i want to tell you is ive had 3 children 2 sons and a daughter
and i loved the boys but they got took away too soon and i cried for a while
but i loved them while they were with me. i dont know where the boys went
but my little girl is workin with me an had a son of her own and we eat lunch
together and that is nice. i wouldnt trade the kids for anything ya know what
i mean.
so now i want say my job is cool an i don want no office job cause this typin
is gettin me wore out, so give us cows a break an let us keep workin. hav a
glassa milk or a icecream or somethin....eat some cottage cheese wouldya!!
an if no one eats dairy food we will all die an then there wont be no more milk
cows is that what you want?? and dont listen to then tv cows sayin eat more
chicken cause they sold out for the money! cows are loyal to their own an
its a low cow sure that tries to help chickens! besides chicken is wuss food
so eat a steak or burger instead. beef cows wanta live too so help em out..
their retirement plan sux but the job itsef is awesom! furget chicken!!
thats about it cept i eat plants too an theres nothin rong with it but dont
try to put us outa work or make cows extinct cause were nice people too an
aint done nothin to hurt non of yoy guys! jus you eat yor plants an let the
other peoples eat ther beef an ther dairy an then so we can get ta have our
lifes too...please!!!
Thank you Gladys--you did a great job (we'll discuss the carpet later).
Hopefully they'll listen to you; they sure don't listen to me... You are a
nice lady for doing this--and you've got a cute daughter too ;-)
So there you have it, straight from the cows mouth! You won't listen to
me, but we're hoping you'll listen to the cows. At least you could *think*
about what she said. Cows don't lie!
Of course some of you will want to bring in your own cows with an
opposing view point, but be warned that it isn't easy...the farmers don't
like it, cows have no respect for your living room, and they are murder on
the keyboard.
All the best to ALL of us (cows too :-)!!!