In article . net>,
"Gregory Morrow" > wrote:
> Screw the food, I just want a relatively professional cabin staff when I
> fly.
> What is it with US airlines and their elderly and rude stews? Delta and
> Northwest are the very worst offenders that I've seen. And whatever
> happened to the concept of height - weight correlation?
Labor laws, probably.
>I've seen plenty of fat stews - who on earth wants to look at a fat
>stew? Fat people are tiring enough to look out, but to be working for
>an airline?
Why not, other than making it difficult in the aisles. If the job gets
done, I don't much care what the person looks like. You said you want a
relatively professional cabin staff.
These gals make flyig on US carriers a distinctly dreary experience.
The last thing I want on a plane is excitement. If you have you rely on
looking at the flight attendants to ward off dreary, you need a better
book to read. "-)
>Some of these girls
I'll bet they're women, not girls, Greg.
> should have been put out to pasture long ago but heck, the pasture
> wouldn't even have them...
What are you, bored today? <grin>
> I like the "Singapore Girl" stewardesses on Singapore Airlines - they
> are quiet, attractive, effecient and deferential. No fat mouthy
> scowling cabin staff on SQ!
Have a nice flight. LOL!
-Barb, <> Trip Report and pics added 1-13-05
"I read recipes the way I read science fiction: I get to the end and say,
'Well, that's not going to happen.'" - Comedian Rita Rudner, performance
at New York, New York, January 10, 2005.