Thread: Brewing
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  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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John Nervo wrote:

> Thanks for the reply. I am not here to insult anyone. I was just
> looking for some advice and information.

You got some. Not good enough for you? Maybe you need to get out more.

> I find it disterbing that
> most of the responces from you are just bitter.

Awww. There goes my reputation for sweetness and light and shit.

> It seems to me that my
> desire for information about beer is on point for the topic in this
> forum. I apologize my tone but do think that I was not wrong to seek
> knowledge from thoes who seem to contain more experiance and wisdom on
> the subject.

You weren't wrong. However, in a forum based on the free exchange of
*OPINIONS* (I spelled that out in big letters, 'cause you don't seem to
grasp it real well), you're bound to see all sorts of replies to your
questions. Some of them may be what you want to hear. Some might not.

And somewhere down the road, when you hear of all the hearache and pain
some other guy went through, you might even be relieved that you didn't
jump into the brewpub business straight away. It isn't for everyone,
not even someone who's just learned to make a few batches of beer at
home and thinks it would be a really swell thing to do for a living.
There are plenty of brewers out there who like what they do for a
living, but for a lot of them, they'll readily acknowledge that one
truth of the business is that you don't go into brewing for the money.
At least one couple I know personally learned that so very much the
hard way, not only closing down a brewery that turned out some excellent
beers, but losing their home in the process.