Thread: Brewing
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Juan Harry Boosh
Posts: n/a

DGS wrote:

> Let alone a brewpub, unless someone has *really* deep pockets and is
> willing to watch a lot of money swirl down the drain.

I'll be sure to contact the original poster and offer to invest in his
surefire venture. . .

> And most of all, you gotta know your market. Maybe there is room for
> a specialty beer bar in Roanoke, VA. Maybe, if enough people are
> weaned off BudMillOors there, they'll go for something with a little
> more robustness (robusticity?) and flavor. Maybe. But somehow, I
> wouldn't lay huge bags o' bucks on it.

I wouldn't even bet on a successful venture with a specialty beer
bar in Charlottesville - and they have UVA as a built in clientele.
Truth be told, Virginia, regardless of where you ware, just isn't
friendly to beer-themed rooms. The best one I've found is "Green
Leaf" down in Williamsburg, and they are always running on the
thin edge of the margin where it comes to beer.

> Yeah, but what have you contributed? What? C'mon, the world belongs
> to youth, brimming with happy, clueless enthusiasm, not tired, wizened,
> cynical old RFKIA beer geeks on Usenet.

I almost feel bad about being old, wizened, and testy. Guess I'll drown
my sorrows with a trip to Victory next week. Who knows? I might
even throw caution to the wind and stop in for a beer or two at Monk's.