Hey Dick Adams.....
Dick, have you ever posted your
"Chateau de Trailer Park" recipe here? I saw it in rec.crafts.meadmaking.
If so, I am curious what the comments were. They may run you out of town on
a rail ;-)
That is the funniest recipe I have ever heard.
It can't be very good though or smooth. I was raised on Kool-Aid. I love the
green the best.
It brings back memories of hot summer days on my grandparents farm when I
was a kid.
I must admit, I am tempted to make a 1 gal. batch just for the novelty.
Although, the connoisseur in of me is fighting the temptation.....
Have you actually made it, or is it just a recipe you happened across.
If you ferment at a low temp, will that reduce the yeast taste and make it
It would keep it from getting fusel.
Just Brew It!
Johnny Mc
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