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>notbob writes:
>>PENMART01 wrote:
>> I always pay for groceries with cash. I have a debit card. I also have an

>> card. Bank sent both years ago. But I've never used either, don't even

>> if they work. I do have a credit card, that I do use when need be... but

>> using it for more than 30 years I've never yet paid even 1¢ in interest.
>> Cash is fastest... generates no paper, no mail, NO DEBT!

>And you get cash how? You certainly don't get it in the mail. One has to
>go to a bank, an atm, or get cash-back during a purchase. After making a
>special trip to, banks make you stand in yet another line. Most non-native
>ATM's charge a fee. The least aggravating is stores, which don't charge a
>fee for cash-back and you're already in a line. Between dullard clerks and
>the signature thing, credit cards take even longer to transact than an atm
>card. Besides, if one is going to take advantage of the greatest
>cost-cutting/sales savings, one is going to have to swipe/enter some sort of
>plastic/code, anyway.
>The fantasy world you postulate no longer exists unless you are willing to pay

extra for it.

What fantasy world, my world is no fantasy, I'm living it... and cost extra, no
way... I've never yet paid more because I use cash. In fact by paying with
cash I pay less, with large purchases *substantially* less.... you obviously
have never paid cash for a new car, I always have (wave hard cash under the
sales manager's nose and the price goes way down), I've never had a car loan...
in fact I've never had a personal loan for any reason.

You're so negative... you are obviously poor... indebted peasants typically
harbor your attitude. If you need to withdraw cash for personal expenses more
than once a month you are poor. If you carry a balance on your credit cards
you are definitely poor. You are probably one of those poor schnooks who can't
manage money and so spends most of their waking hours plotting on which ATMs to
hit each day for one twenty at a time... friggin' infantile.

These days most of my income is auto-deposited. But some I still receive
through the mail as checks. I typically go to the bank but once a month to
deposit those checks and get enough cash to last the month. Sometimes I need
to do other bank business that can only be properly done in person, like get a
certified bank check, but not so often anymore. And it's no special trip, the
bank is located where I do other shopping. And if I don't feel like it I don't
go to the bank each month, I can wait until the following month, in fact I can
go probably three years before I run out of actual cash on hand. I don't think
I've ever needed to wait on line at my bank more than three minutes, but after
the transaction I'll often chat with the teller for five minutes, especially if
I'm lucky enough to draw Jennifer, she's so cute, with her red hair and
freckles, and such sweet plump bosoms... if only I were thirty years younger.
<sigh> And then I stop to schmooze with the bank manager for awhile, after
exchanging pleasantries our conversation usually turns to real estate. I'm
in no big hurry, I like banks, money smells good. The thought of the
impersonalness of ATMs and plastic just doesn't hold any appeal for me, I like
knowing my banker. My bank treats me well. I'm sorry your financial
experiences are so wrought with unpleasantness.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."