Thread: Airline food
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Edwin Pawlowski
Posts: n/a

"Ken Davey" > wrote in message

> That is pretty much on the mark in today's job market.
> Promised the moon by your employer (but just gettting the shaft), sucked
> into huge debt by a constant blitz of marketing, young family, second
> morgage to pay for a POS car (not to mention the fuel).
> Stress from the job driving your (uninsured) medical bills through the
> roof.
> The choice? - Grin and bear it or pack up the kids, steal a shopping cart
> and go live under a bridge!
> That doesn't describe me but it does describe a huge segment of the North
> American population.

I don't completely agree. There are pages of ads in the employment section
of the paper today. I'm qualified for some, but not for others. I'd get
the training to get the job I wanted. Some people would rather complain
that make a plan to change things. I'm sure there may be some exceptions,
but then you just need a longer range plan to make a change.

I'm an exception. I like my job, my employer, and I'm actually looking
forward to going to work tomorrow.