In article >,
Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
> You are absolutely correct. When a parent IS a good mentor, then a child
> should certainly be with them in public. All too often, however, parents
> act as though their child isn't even there and exert absolutely no
> authority over them in controlling their behaviour. What really ****es me
> off are the parents that think their child's misbehavior is "cute". It
> clearly is not. Just last week I encountered a couple in the supermarket
> with three children who were probably under the age of five. They were
> near the end of an aisle I was trying to exit, noisily running back and
> forth, rolling around on the floor, and blocking the aisle. I had to turn
> around and traverse the entire aisle to get away from them. There is no
> excuse for such behavior.
Particularly irritating are the parents who let their kids run around at
the restaurant. And if a waiter or waitress burdened by a full try trips
over the little darling, you *know* the formerly inattentive parent is
going to start screaming.
to respond (OT only), change "spamless.invalid" to ""