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Default Canadian Mad Cow, was americans have been eating mad cows for years...

In article m>, " Bogart "
> wrote:


>>Uh-huh, I thnk so. I'm not so good with speling though.

>You seem very good at behaving like an asshole.


>Why cut the original cite and add your editorial comments, especially
>the reference to fabrication of information?

When an accusatory finger is pointed your way sometimes a natural reaction is
to point back. It happens. I snip text to keep discussions short and to the
point. And my comments, which mirrored that of the news story, was what I
thought was worth repeating - that of course being the fact that nobody knows
the origin of the infected animal.

Excuse me, make that everyone but Moort.

>>Second paragraph from the bottom.


You're welcome.


"The citizen's job is to be rude -- to pierce the comfort of professional intercourse by
boorish expressions of doubt." --John Ralston Saul