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  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Ron, I've had the '91, plus tasted the (I think) '97 at a store
tasting. Indeed, blind I might have mistaken the '91 for a Bordeaux.
The '97 seemed oaky, but it was young. Allegrini consistently makes a
good wine,. all the way down to the Valpo Classico and Palazzo della
Torre. Moderately international, but still with its Venetian identity.
You might also try the La Grola (I think La Poja is part of the larger
La Grola vineyard), which is mostly Corvina, but with some Syrah and
Sangiovese I think.

As to breathing wines, I've tried to show restraint. Despite killfiling
youknowwho, I sometimes see responses to those posts, but hold back.
But I am weak. In the case of Italian wines, I get the giggles at the
idea of air killing the wine, knowing that many prominent Piemontese
vintners think nothing of pouring a Barolo that's been open 4 days for
a potential customer. Even fully mature Barolos ('78s & '82s) usually
seem better to me after a half-hour to open up. And of course not only
Italians- the amount of decanting time given the '98 St. Emilions and
Pomerols at my tasting last week was a better indicator of how they'd
do than critics' scores.

Thanks for the notes.