"Virginia Tadrzynski" > wrote in message
> What really ****es me off royally is the intervener who tells me I should
> 'lighten up, they're just kids' when I try to reprimand my kids. I took
> the
> three remaining trolls to a diner one night when my husband had a late
> meeting. (Oldest in the Navy, let Uncle Sam deal with his manners) The 13
> year old and the 11 year old were at each other from the start. The 8
> year
> old not to be left out jumped in. I told them that we were in a public
> place and to behave. It didn't work.......I asked the waitress, who had
> brought them drinks but hadn't taken our order yet to give me a check for
> the drinks, we were leaving. They looked at me like I had three heads and
> started whining 'why'. I told them that if they misbehave in public there
> are consequences....like going home to a pbj. Which is exactly what they
> got for dinner when they got home. They weren't happy, but I told them
> the
> old adage...íf mom ain't happy, ain't no body happy ....I refuse to be
> made
> look bad in public by misbehaving children. On the way out, an older
> woman
> stopped me and told me to 'lighten up, they were just children'....I told
> her when should I step in? When they threw chairs at each other? She
> looked at me in horror, but I then turned around and asked her did her
> children behave that way in public when they were younger and would she
> have
> put up with it....? I left, children in tow, public seeing I took
> charge,
> and one older lady with her mouth open.
> -Ginny
Good for you!! I wish more people took your approach.
Peter Aitken
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