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On 17 Jan 2005 23:08:01 GMT,
(JLove98905) wrote:
> I bought a package of sunchokes today, just out of curiosity. (For those who
> don't know what a sunchoke is, it is related to the sunflower and looks like a
> small rooty potato.) I have no idea what to do with them. Suggestions, recipes?
Jerusalem artichoke? I just peel, steam and serve them with
butter. They are VERY good plain!
If you have a yard to plant some of your sunchokes in - the
flower looks like it's part of the sunflower family (hence
the "sun" part). They are really tubers. So, like cala
lilies, if the conditions are right they'll grow like weeds!
Here is an interesting recipe... I might even make it.
From: Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking
By: Marcella Hazan
Sunchoke Gratin
1 pound sunchokes (Jerusalem artichokes)
An oven-to-table baking dish
Butter for smearing and dotting the baking dish
Black pepper, ground fresh from the mill
1/4 cup freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Peel the sunchokes and drop them in salted, boiling water.
Cook them until they feel tender, but not mushy when prodded
with a fork. Ten minutes after the water returns to a boil,
check them frequently because they tend to go from very firm
to very soft in a brief span of time. Drain when done, and
as soon as they are cool enough to handle, cut them into
1/2-inch slices.
Smear the bottom of a baking dish with butter, then place
the sunchoke slices in it, arranging them so they overlap
slightly, roof tile fashion. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and
the grated Parmesan, dot with butter and place the dish on
the uppermost rack of the preheated oven. Bake until a light
golden crust begins to form on top. Allow to settle for a
few minutes out of the oven before serving.
Yield: 4 servings
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