Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> Denise, I hope you didn't take this personally. It wasn't meant so. Given
Well, it did get a little personal, but I'll forgive you
I do know exactly what you are complaining about though.
I see it often too. My latest example is a couple at IKEA with a boy
who looked to be around 1 to 1-1/2 YOA. He was crying & fussing, but
the parents were in this little semi-argument/discussion about
something. During this time they passed the baby back & forth to each
other a couple times, never once paying attention to the baby &
addressing his fussiness. Still in their little discussion, the last
parent with the baby put him back into the cart & they both walked away,
baby still crying.
I felt sorry for the baby & irritated with the parents.