"zuuum" > wrote in message
>>>>That's the trouble with "statistics" in general, don't you think? I
>>>>when it comes to studying the populace, how can anyone know for sure
>>>>people are "really" doing?
> Well, as they say, you don't need a weatherman to tell you which way the
> wind is blowing. Look around, and tell me if you think even 4 out of 10
> Americans *in your neighborhood* look like they are ideal weight. As for
> genetics, even for those long-lived who practiced poor health habits, do
> you think they could not have lived even longer?
Actually, I conducted such a survey at one time because of this subject.
all the neighbors I can see ... only 3 could used to drop some weight, and I
don't mean tonnage.
I paid attention at the mall, at football games ... not so many very
people, relatively. At any rate, when I was younger, the charts said I
be between 108 and 115. Yeah, maybe if I starved myself (which I did, but
that's a story for another day), but if 10 percent over that is still the
for obese, I bet most of us are. 115 + 11.5 = 126.5 pounds is obese?
These people who put out these figures never say what their definition of
obese is, or it's not reported on the 'news' ... either way. I'm just
of such pronouncements.