-L. wrote:
> Vox Humana wrote:
>> Well, I don't think much learning takes place when little Couten and
>> Paige are body surfing down the cereal isle while mom in on the cell
>> phone blocking the dairy case halfway across the store. Therein
>> lies the problem. No teaching or learning takes place. At best, the
>> parents contribute to the chaos by sporadically screaming "If you
>> don't stop that I'm going to smack the hell out of you."
> Or worse yet, scream "Coulten, don't do that! Coulten, don't do
> that!" 50 million times.
> -L.
I went to lunch with a co-worker who had the day off, this must have been 27
years ago. She brought her 2-year-old son. I spent my lunch hour listening
to her yell "Gary, quit!" at the child while he dipped french fries in
ketchup and threw them at me and giggled. I had to go back to work with
ketchup on my blouse and skirt! I wanted to smack the hell out her (and the
kid). Never went to lunch with her and the kidling again.