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I personally go for fingerfood, the logic being that 1) my wife usually
gets bored while I spend a couple of hours cooking, 2) you don't want
to get stuffed with heavy food and moan in food comma for a serenade 3)
it encourages drinking, which is not romantic by itself but sounds like
a good idea right now

- Investing a little bit of money in some sort of caviar tasting and a
nice bottle of chilled vodka can be fun. I would personally skip the
black caviars and go for the cheaper and still very intersting red
(salmon). Serve it on mini blins or some of the thick scandinavian
breads. I love Belvedere but any vodka over $15/bottle does the job
(IMHO). Caviar by itself is not going to make much of a dinner of
course so you need more finger foods.

- There is an easy recipie for salmon crepes somewhere. Essentially,
make crepes, let them cool. Mix cream cheese with horseradish paste (to
taste) and spread on the crepes, layer thinly cut smoked salmon on top
of the cheese. Roll tightly (roll with foil - it helps) and leave in
the fridge for 4-5 hours. Before serving cut the roll into cilinders
and turn on the flat side. Quite nice and goes well with vodka

- I also like to marinate scallops in wassabi and soy sauce and then
briefly grill. Goes
well with vodka

- Devilled eggs go great with vodka

- Pretty much any mayo based filling (make your own - it's fun) stuffed
in rolls of french ham goes well

- Russian ethnic stores sell seljodka (canned fish) which is a Russian
classic for vodka appetizer and for a good reason - use lemon juice
generously, taste before you arange them on a serving plate - these
things can be super salty.

In retrospect, what I wrote sounds more like a meeting of the General
Secretariat of the Communist Party than a romantic evening but I guess
if one of you (the leaner better looking one) wears something skimpy it
can go quite fine.