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  #74 (permalink)   Report Post  
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It's nice to see such a child-loving group of people but I think
children cannot even begin to compete with cell-phones.

Childrend cry - it develops their lungs and prepares them for their
future careers. A mon struggling to keep 3 kids under control while
trying to find food for 5 on a $30 budget is cute and it will never
annoy me. If these kinds of things annoy you I would probably say
"Don't get on any flights headed to Orlando, instead fly to Atlanta and
then drive South."

BUT... the bozo with the cell phone blocking the isle with a cart while
simultaneously talking to his buddy and trying to pick a bottle of
French-sounding wine for under $5/bottle that will impress his
girlfriend (who at the very same moment is probably trying to pick a
top for under $10 at the GAP while talking to her cousin on the cell) -