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Default potluck etiquette--- please help!!!

On 28 Dec 2003 18:19:14 -0800, (-L.) wrote:

> sf > wrote in message >. ..
> > On 28 Dec 2003 00:45:26 -0800,
(-L.) wrote:
> >
> > > IMO, the worst is a cash bar wedding. Too tacky for words.
> > >

> > I have mixed feelings about it. An open bar can be quite
> > expensive.

> Yes, it can, and therefore if you cannot afford it, you shouldn't have
> it.
> > I think we should have an open bar up to a point
> > - then switch to wine/champagne. The "hard drink" drinkers
> > can take care of themselves after that.

> Having open bar followed by a cash bar will confuse your guests,

No, it doesn't. Been there, done that more than once. If
anyone is confused (belligerent)... that person is too drunk
to continue drinking anyway.

> and
> will make for a bad situation. If you still think cash bar is ok,
> search the Google archive of - I can assure you it is
> frowned upon.

By whom? Drunken guests?

> Why not just have beer/wine or wine/Chamagne for the entire reception?
> Many people do so, and there is nothing wrong with offring a limited
> alcohol selection.

Because times are changing, that's why - strictly limiting
drinks to beer/wine/champagne isn't fashionable anymore and
I'm not offended by a cash bar, anyway. I know they have to
meet a minimum or pay up.

I'm offended if there is an obvious restriction on
drinking... I attended a really cheap reception where only
punch and cookies was served, I've been to very limited (2
bottles per table of 8) receptions, I've been to receptions
with a full bar the entire time (over the top AFAIC) and
receptions that begin with an open bar, then pare down to
beer/wine/champagne with a pay bar available if you want
more of the hard stuff.

As someone who has attended all types and also as someone
who will someday have to foot the bill for a wedding - I
think that an open bar for x hours, then beer/wine/champagne
with a choice to buy hard drinks at a pay bar afterwards is
the sane way to go. It gives people options and it doesn't
shriek "cheap".

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