Paul E. Lehmann > wrote:
> Brian Lundeen wrote:
>> "Dick Adams" > wrote:
>>> Chateau Trailer Park (21st Century Ripple)
>>> ------------------------------------------
>>> Mix 17-1/2 lbs of sugar into 5 gals of water at 150°F.
>>> Dump into 5 gallon pail.
>>> After it cools, pitch Strand's Turbo Yeast.
>>> Cover and set air lock.
>>> Stir vigorously daily
>> This sounds like the perfect accompaniment to Alsatian onion pie. ;-)
> Or Bavarian Veal Kidney with mustard sauce
Excusez-moi. Kool-Aid goes best with peanut butter and jelly
sandwichs. A slice of a Vandalla onion on the sandwich would
add zest and kill what is left of the yeast taste.
But mustard sauce and kidney on a PB-n-J - no way.
What would Martha Stewart do with this?