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Steve Calvin
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Peter Aitken wrote:
> "salgud" > wrote in message
>>Seems to me there's a difference in how a group's members respond to a
>>new person's innocent request for info. It's one thing to inform
>>someone that they've violated the NG's rules, failed to read the FAQ or
>>some such thing, politely, vs. flaming them. Over the years, I've come
>>to realize that when I flame someone for not being in line, it's just
>>my self-righteous side, which I try to curb.
>>I recently got flamed in this NG for making a naive statement about a
>>"micowave wok". Seems to happen in a lot of groups. I believe that
>>flaming someone in this circumstance is just our need to be in the
>>"inside", to feel good about ourselves by putting someone else on the
>>"outside". Probably a very natural human inclination, but not the best
>>one to practice or promulgate. Bullying others is just not that great a
>>thing to do, though it may feel good in the moment. For me, in the long
>>run, it just makes me feel bad about myself. Much worse than improper
>>preparation of a chicken!

> Your post is very perceptive. Lots of people should read it and take it to
> heart.

yup. A gentle nudge toward the FAQ (if there is one) is usually enough
to get the person headed in the right direction without requiring a
flame-proof suit. Now, if they don't take the hint then that's a
different story.


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