On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 07:08:17 -0600, Damsel >
> On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 00:11:19 -0800, "kevin" > wrote:
> >Just witnessed an amazing incident.
> As witnesses to the "accident," did you call the police and stick around so
> they could get your statement?
In the area the poster lives, if it [a fender-bender] occurs on
private property (a parking lot in this case), and there were no
injuries, the police will generally not become involved.
Hopefully the two individuals provided the injured party a set of
statements of exactly what happened so that when she goes to small
claims court to get her deductible back, she has those additional
statements to back-up her claim.
ObGroceryStorePlug: "Gene's Fine Foods" in Saratoga. I've been
shopping there for the last fifteen years and found the staff
great, the foods of excellent quality, and the choices better than
any of the local corporate behemoths. "Gene's" also has a stunning
wine area with tastings every weekend! Woo-hoo! Meet the vintners
and executives; schmooz-n-learn on their dime.
ObTopic: The customers at two of my favorite stores can be placed
into three tiers. Mornings are for the Senior Brigade; if you have
the time, energy, and skill to navigate the aisles it can be a
great experience. As a SAHD with three young daughter-units, it was
my favorite time to shop. The afternoons are for the packs of bored
hs-grunge-goth-ravers and clusters of soccermoms that are between
taxi services. It's a dangerous time because there's a lot of
oblivious bumping-and-jostling going on. Night shift is when the
cell phone drones emerge. As others have pointed out, they are
loud, preferring to share their private conversations with those
complete strangers across the store, and are much more oblivious to
everything around them than any Jolt-pounding, triple-esspresso
software junkie I've ever known. Enter at your own risk or don the
appropriate apparel.
The Ranger